Islamic Architecture


Islamic art and architecture have been important parts of the life in Bosnia and Herzegovina during centuries. Magnificent views of Bosnian cities and places have something in common: an example of Islamic architecture is always included in the picture.
These are ancient bridges in Mostar and Visegrad, minarets of Sarajevo or Bosnian cities completely built with an enthusiasm for Islamic architecture as town of Travnik and ancient town of Pocitelj.

Teachers and Students

Islamic architecture of Bosnia is based on long experience of Islamic arts and crafts learned in Istanbul.Some of the earliest and finest examples were produced by the architects from Turkey and Middle East.
It should be noted that not only Bosnian art and architecture in 19th- and 20th-century were influenced by Islamic arts and architecture. The same was with crafts, clothes, food and social life.

Islamic Arts and Europa

From the Atlantic to the Indian oceans there are numerous buildings influenced by Islamic arts. Geometric design and the arabesque are known elements in decoration of sacral and public places (Hagia Sofia, Alhambra, Taj Mahal, etc).
Many European artists have found inspiration in their geometric patterns and shilouete. This interest led to a revival of ancient techniques in Europe.

Artworks with strong influence of Islamic arts have been made by numerous artist. The best known are Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863) , William Morris (1834-1896) and others.

This style in arts and crafts is also known as Orientalism.

Islamic arts and architecture have experienced the influence of Western art and (much more) technology and new materials.


During the recent war in Bosnia many exceptional examples of Islamic architecture have been damaged in serious degree or completely destroyed - some by shelling, many by burning but most by organized systematic destruction.

On the part of Bosnia under Sebian occupation all mosques were destroyed. The same was on the territory under control of Croatian militia. Beautiful bridge over river Neretva in Mostar was destroyed by Croatian forces. An other exampel of systematic destruction - completely destroyed town Pocitelj - is described here.
